Bob Urban
BOB URBAN: Mantrailing
Just recently, Bob took the position of Chief Ranger at Geauga Park district in Chardon, Ohio. He has retired his K-9 partner Tory. Formerly, Bob was employed by the Lake Metroparks Ranger Department for the last 20 years. He was previously assigned to the Detective Bureau and K-9 search Unit in 1996. He is a certified instructor through the Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy and a certified Field Training Officer. Bob has been active in the breeding, training, showing and hunting of AKC Registered Black and Tan Coonhounds since 1981. In 2001 he began working a Bloodhound in training in addition to his full-time K-9 partner Tory – a Black and Tan Coonhound. Since its inception in 1997, the K-9 unit has been responsible for both live finds and body recoveries in both the metroparks and adjacent communities. Past and present organizational affiliations include Canine Search and Recovery (Board member), North American Police working Dog Assn., Indiana Police Workdog Assn., in addition to numerous other affiliations.